
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - December 2015

Invitation by Incharge Jin of Shahi Shahi qila (Royal fort) Lahore: Readers! Some time back I narrated the events of the wedding of the daughter of the Incharge Jin of Shahi Shahi qila (Royal fort) Lahore. After Eid, all the Jinnat got together and came to me that the girl who was married has had a son and there were more births in the family too, so because of this good news we want to arrange a grand dinner. I accepted the invitation. Haji Sahib, Sahabi Baba and many other Jinnat accompanied me to participate in this occasion in Shahi Shahi qila (Royal fort) Lahore on invitation of the Incharge Jin. When we reached there, as usual there was a strange activity, magical lights and bulbs everywhere which had no connection with the electricity of human world rather they were more astonishing lights and electricity, so much so, that human wisdom becomes astonished and worried. At different places, Jinnat carrying different candles, bouquets and different coloured lights were saying welcome to the guests. There was separate arrangement for ladies and men. When we reached, they gave us a warm welcome and there were shouts of marhaba (welcome), marhaba (welcome) everywhere.

Refusal of sincere ones to eat in utensils of gold and silver: After this, the eating mats were laid down and before this, a Jin read out a ‘Ruku’ of Surah Rahman in a very nice and melodious manner. After this, I performed a collective pray. Last and detailed pray was conducted by Sahabi Baba. After this, the dinner mat was laid down and this time there were utensils of gold and silver along with that of glass, ceramics and utensils of precious stones. Previously also when I attended this ceremony, food and green tea were served before us in such utensils but Sahabi Baba and other sincere pious Jinnat refused to eat in utensils of gold and silver and immediately these were replaced with utensils of precious stones. This time on our dining mat, precious utensils of emeralds, rubies, topaz and other milky stones were laid down. At some places, there were gold and silver utensils also. But, they were strictly instructed not to use gold and silver utensils again and they committed to do so.


 Jinnat prepared strange green tea with small cardamom: It was not ordinary food but strange things from nature, one thing which I felt about this food which perhaps one will not find anywhere else was, the green tea prepared with small cardamom, but this small cardamom was not like small cardamom used in our world, rather it is such that it has a flower first and before it becomes a flower the Jinnat pluck the bud of it before hand and dry it in the shade of cloth of velvet, all this detail was told to me by my cook Jin friend of long time. Then the tea is prepared in a special way. No matter how much you eat, in other words you do a lot of carelessness and over eating but solution of all this is only two sips of this green tea. Its every sip contains strange effect, taste, fragrance and power for digestion.

Abundant poor and needy Jinnat at the dinner mat: This meal continued to be served in two parts. Meaning that one type of food would be served and then would be picked up and another type of food with different taste would be served, no matter how much any one would eat. This time I had instructed them, which Alhamdulillah I act upon in every ceremony was that poor and needy Jinnat must also be invited. And I felt that this time, needy and poor Jinnat were present in abundance and I realized that actually they have done a very good job, for which I was insisting again and again and I was happy. After dinner, discussions started amongst some scholar Jinnat which included expert Mohaddiseen and Mufassireen (interpreters) Jinnat, on various topics and these discussions, led to the topic of marriages between Jinnat and human beings.

Marriage between Jinnat and Human beings and opinion of Scholar Jinnat: I took the opinion of some scholars present over there. Some scholars were of the opinion that this is legitimate and some would say that this is not allowed. Then they asked for my opinion and I said that I do not wish to get into the discussion of the scholars as this is their area of knowledge but my opinion is similar to those scholars who say that humans cannot marriage Jinnat but a strange thing is, that such cases have happened in history and have come in history books and observations too, but as per my knowledge and opinion such marriages do not carry any religious legitimacy and so say the scholars and I agree with them.

Meeting learned scholars and Mohaddiseen in dream: Another strange thing which has come across which I heard for the first time is, that a scholar Jin said that I saw many scholars and Mohaddiseen centuries back and one thing which I noticed amongst them and which was very strange thing was, that they use to meditate for hours besides reading and teaching. They would read themselves and did labour for Halal income but would definitely meditate for hours and I realized this fact for the reason that all these people had one thing in abundance in their temperament and that is to establish link with Allah SWT and they would find the legitimacy of Ahadith through Moraqba (meditation) rather I saw such scholars who would be awake the whole night and would recite  and the knowledge of hadith and Quran and religious problems which opened up before them was not seen in others and the knowledge which I saw in them was so much that I have seen it rarely in somebody else and the reason for it is that they sought the knowledge of religion from the throne of Allah through meditation.


A strange instance of a Jin from Kashqhar: During conversation I said that I have witnessed many strange benefits of  and does anybody sitting over here amongst the respected scholars, Mohaddiseen, Mofassireen and Mufti Jinnat wish to state their observations about this recitation? All the Jinnat started thinking. One Jin said, Yes! There is one instance of my life which I think is extremely strange and it is that during the time when I was a student in Kashghar (Russia) and our teacher was a Jin and he was such a being who was directly educated by Imam Bukhari R.A. and we called him teacher Foqani, when I reached him for studies, he was in the last years of his life. 


I studied from him for 5 years and 3 months, few years of my education were still left that he died. I was sorrowful and extremely depressed. What will happen now?


Teacher Fauqani taught me in my dream: I wept for many weeks and kept on remembering this teacher. One night, when I slept while weeping and reciting Darood Sharif, the same teacher met me in my dream and asked: Why do you cry? And why do you get upset? I will still teach you, you just start reciting three words in abundance and these words are ‘’ just recite these words day and night in whichever condition you are, in hundreds and thousands of times and even more and I will come every night and due to the spiritualism of these words, will keep on teaching you.


Strange message, truthfulness and sincerity in the eyes of the scholar Jin: Tears were pouring down from the eyes of thescholar Jin while talking all this, I saw a strange message in which there was truthfulness and sincerity in his watery eyes and I tried to find many things in this strange and truthful and sincere message, he continued his conversation and further said: Then what! I kept on reciting ’ day and night with every breathe in every moment and the very first night my respected teacher came in my dream and started teaching me from the point he left in his life. And every night I would get lessons from him for more than four and half hours and teacher Fauqani kept on teaching me the way he taught me during his life rather, in other words I would say that with more love and in much better way than during his life time.


The knowledge I have is not with any other student of his: I kept on studying from him in this manner for years and years and obtained knowledge for many years and today as gratefulness for this blessing, I am able to say that the knowledge my teacher gave me is not available with any other student of his, even though they had spent more time with respected teacher than me and all this benefit is of ’.


For week eyesight, mind or memory just recite this: Even today I have given this recitation to my innumerous students which lacked in knowledge, reading, had weak mind, lack of desire, and their temperament was not inclined towards studying and knowledge and their mind was not attentive towards seeking knowledge, memory was weak, eyesight was weak or could not remember what they had read, to all such I told about this recitation and whoever did it got strange miracles, blessings and Barakats. While listening to this scholar Jin, certain things started coming to my mind and I asked him that why are there so much benefits and blessings in these qualitative names of Allah سبحانہ و تعالی?


First benefit of this recitation: My question was not completed that a highly capable scholar Jin said, may I say something? I said, definitely! He said that the actual reason is that the first benefit of this recitation which opens up before a person is, that the whole of universe has been created from the Nur (light of Allah سبحانہ و تعالی), Allah سبحانہ و  تعالی himself is Nur and Allah             سبحانہ و  تعالی has spread his Nur in his names and the fine points and minute blessings of Allah’s سبحانہ  وتعالی Nur are too much in these three names.


Anybody who will recite it will get strange results: These three names are surrounded and loaded with too much of blessings and Barakats of Allah سبحانہ و تعالی and the person who would recite these three names and will recite from the depth of his heart and with the internal concentration and concern will strangely get blessings benefits, heavenly Barakats and light from Creator and blessings, knowledge, capability to act, light, mercy and Barakats in plenty will be directed towards him from heavens.


 Only three names and more and more progress: The scholar further said that in my lifetime of centuries I witnessed a fact very visibly that those who got an elevated level and a big stature and benefits, did not obtain it without these three words, whoever adopted these three names as a mean, he himself shone and thousands and hundreds of thousands of human beings also shone due to him. The one who recites gets cups of knowledge, utensils of knowledge, light of knowledge and oceans of knowledge and gets respect, happiness, successes, Barakats and fine qualities, he further said that whoever recites these qualitative names with sincerity and concentration with the bottom of the heart and recites it in numerously has a vast memory and his memory is strengthen, gets vastness of wisdom and comprehension.


Get light in heart and wisdom: Specialfeeling of light and wisdom and comprehension stays always alive in him. He becomes a very elevated person rather, a neither very wise person whose competition is not possible by any human nor Jinnat. If he is a Jin, he will get far ahead of other Jinnat, if he is a human, he will progress a lot amongst other humans. Apparently these are three qualitative names but in every qualitative name there is a big ocean and how vast is this ocean is only in the knowledge of Allah سبحانہ وتعالی. How can life get brighter, how can be one elevated? And how the elevated life can further progress? All of this is in these holy names.




All those pay attention, who have children with dull or weak minds: The scholar Jin further said and I was listening to him with interest, as he was spreading fragrance with his conversation full of knowledge, observations and experiences and he said that I tell these words to parents having dull or weak minded children and who have lack of knowledge and information and the way to act and who had decided that now their kids can never be able to study or progress or dull mind is their destiny, for all such, these words are a big fact and its quantity for recitation is, that it should be recited more and more and further more.


Respect, progress, successes and Barakats: Recite yourself or your parents recite and then see the result, its blessings open up before every such person who desires to get respect, progress, successes and Barakats and who desires that he gets more and more progress, respect and success, he can get tremendous success with this recitation of three qualitative names (continued)


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